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Cardiff Integrated Infrastructure

Date: 2021

Cardiff: South Wales

Development: Integrated Infrastructure:

Flood Protection - Renewable Energy - EV Network - Green Economic Zone - Cruise Terminal



Cardiff Capital Region Integrated Infrastructure

A full response to the challenges of Climate Change - generating new economic development opportunities -  reducing environmental impacts. 

Flood Defence - Transportation Causeway, from Newport East

to Cardiff Bay - a catalyst for Regional Economic Development, employment

and environmental sustainability..

'Coastal Reservoir' generates  3.5 TWh of renewable energy, combined with europe's largest floating solar farm - powering all of Cardiff's energy needs.

Flood Protection: Regenerates large sections of flood risk coastal land, brought into beneficial use.

Renewable energy enables sustainable development, new industries, new jobs and digital food production.

EV Infrastructure:  Clean energy enables Green Transportation.             

EV charging network allows public transport to run on renewable energy, facilitates uptake of EV’s by the public.

Transportation:  Displacing M4 motorway traffic, removing delays at the Brynglas tunnel bottleneck. 

Providing a new cycle way, extending cycle routes within South Wales – adding to Wales’s 1,200 miles of National Cycle Network routes.

Projected 6% GVA uplift generating 10,000 jobs and a £2 billion per annum stimulus to the over the next ten years.

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